The taste of France: best French dishes: Part 1



Food is a great cultural constituent: it is more than sustenance, it can be art, especially if we are talking about refined cultures, such as the French ones, so today we get to enjoy the taste of France: best French dishes: Part 1.

I pondered a lot on what dish to start with, what flavor would best grasp that unique taste of the Hexagon, its stylish and great people, its culinary history. Food is an enjoyable activity and a good pretext to travel – in case you never stopped to think about this, there are culinary excursions and France is a lovely place to experience this.

Well, this being said, let us start:

Dish # 1 on our list is Cassoulet. This dish originates in Toulouse and is a rich and somewhat fat casserole made of white beans, pork sausages, duck and goose. These are boiled into a very tasty mixture. In “haute cuisine”, the ingredients are simmered with different aromatic vegetables and spices. Some say that this can ruin the original “peasant dish” quality of the Cassoulet – the name of which comes from the deep dish in which the mixture is served.

Chicken Basquaise – the name betraying its origin this time – is a tasty French chicken recipe that impacts with both its colorful looks and its spicy, peppery flavor. Its creator is Chef Sébastien Gravé and the stew requires chicken, some sausage, garlic, thyme, vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, paprika, etc). all sprinkled with a glass of white wine. The preparation technique is quite simple: first you cook the meats in a pot for about 8 minutes, then you add fine cut onions with oil and tomato juice and boil them all for another 5 minutes. You then add the boiled vegetables and let them stew after the last step of the procedure: adding the glass of white wine.

With Marseille car rental, you can cross Southen France and enjoy the best dishes there!